Lanceleaf blanketflower (Gaillardia aestavalis) is a biennial or short-lived perennial wildflower that occurs naturally in sandhills and xeric flatwoods from Texas to Florida. It typically blooms in late spring through early fall and attracts a variety of pollinators. It does well in a mixed wildflower garden or any sunny, well-draining spot. Would also perform well as a container plant. Will reseed readily under favorable conditions.
Duration: biennial / short-lived perennial
Size: 1′-2′
Flower: yellow
Planting tips: Plant in moist to dry, well-drained soils. Some afternoon shade will help prolong blooms. If in a container, water when top two inches of soil is dry. Deadhead spent blooms, sometimes plants will send up a second round of flowers!
Seed packet contains appx. 20 seeds